Shallow water seismic surface waves for pipeline burial

Tipo de intervención: Offshore
Shallow water seismic surface waves for pipeline burial

The first part (static) of the survey has been performed in the lagoon in very shallow water depths. The second part (dynamic) of the survey was performed offshore in water depths between 0 and 5 m.
Total length of surveyed lines is approximately 10 km.
Depth investigation between 10 and 20 meters
Due to biogenic gas in the upper layers (acoustic mask), only the marine surface wave processing brought soil information in term of S wave velocities

  • Offshore seismic refraction (MSR)
  • Offshore seismic surface wave (UMASW).
  • Static (equipment laid on the seabed)
  • Dynamic approach (equipment dragged on the seabed)
  • Pipeline route
  • Pipeline landfall
  • Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)