Shallow water seismic surface waves for LNG terminal project.

Tipo de intervención: Offshore
RINA - D'Appolonia
Shallow water seismic surface waves for LNG terminal project.

For a LNG terminal development and in addition of geotechnical boreholes, a UMASW seismic campaign has been performed in order to provide shear wave velocity information in this seismic area.
Due to the small space available on site a static approach has been used.
Depth investigation between 10 and 20 meters
Comparison with different geometries of streamers has been produced.
Comparison of the geophysical results have been done with the geotechnical performed after the campaign.

  • Offshore seismic refraction (MSR)
  • Offshore seismic surface wave (UMASW).
  • Static (equipment laid on the seabed)
  • Jetty development
  • Terminal LNG